Banking and Finance Legal Advice

As an offshore corporate law firm, we provide legal advice to banks and other financial institutions. Our banking & finance team provides advice and is highly experienced in:


  • Tall office building
    • The creation, protection and priority of security interests;
    • The creation of guarentees and indemnities;
    • Contractual and structural subordination, including with respect to subordination and intercreditor arrangements;
    • Corprate benefit concerns arising out of the creation of third party collateral support; and
    • Registration of Security and the enforceability of security interests, guarentees and indemnities, including the rights and remedies available to lenders and borrowers;
      Asset-backed and receivable financing;
    • Complex group financings and corporate debt refinancing, including syndication loan agreement, private placements and inter-creditor agreements and debt subordination issues.

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Legal Expertise

Read more about how our team of attorneys provides legal advice on Cayman Islands law and British Virgin Islands law in the following practice areas: